“Stories of imagination tend to upset those without one.”

-Terry Pratchett

Angela Yeh is an East Coast Canadian native who grew up a stone’s throw from Stephen King’s Maine. She now lives in Texas and sees Chuck Norris on the always. Angela is a short, tall-story-teller who loves to garden, write about magic, and eat cake. If you’d like to check out her first published novel, A Phoenix Rises, she will send you cookies. You can follow her antics on Twitter and Instagram (@thatpluckygirl).

I’m also on SUBSTACK – click here for behind-the-scenes looks at my latest WIP, recipes from my magical worlds, and maybe even a spell or two – free and paid subscriptions are available. (Never an expectation, always appreciated!) Did you not click it yet? Here it is again!


Angela’s Award.

Looking forward to when I can add an apostrophe and an s.